Dermal Fillers


Dermal Lip Fillers:

Here at AB clinical we use Dermal fillers to increase the volume and definition of the lips.

If patients desire they can have a dental block, which can be discussed in clinic. The purpose of the dental block is to anaesthetise the lips similar to being at the dentists using local anaesthetic injected into the upper and lower mouth, with no additional cost.  

Lip filling treatments carried out by our practitioners are based on patients needs. From subtle enhancement to a more full appearance; it's not a one size fits all treatment and assessment is key.

Upgrade to Teoxane 3D Lip Care

3D Lips is a daily lip care with a rich texture providing comfort, hydration and plumping effect to the lips. It features densifying and nutritive ingredients to smooth, nourish, and achieve a plumping effect for the lips.  Its melt-in, non-sticky texture and cooling applicator tip gives comfort to sensitised lips.

We have several different fillers on offer to suit your needs. AB Clinical are proud to use Teoxane branded products. Further details on these products is available here.

£185 per procedure

Add Teoxane 3D Lip nourishing and plumping lip care for £25 when purchased with our lip filling treatment (£210 Total). Treatment with dental block also availabale for an extra £20 (£205 total)

If you feel ready to proceed, or require more information, please book an appointment.

Dermal Filler treatment after care.

  • It is advisable that you do not touch the area for 6 hours.

  • Do not apply make up for approximately 6 hours unless it is mineral based.

  • Avoid exposure to UV, extreme heat i.e. sauna, steam rooms, sun beds etc. as this may increase discomfort and swelling.

  • Also avoid extreme cold; this includes ice packs that are directly applied to the skin. If necessary you can apply a cool compress to the area to reduce any discomfort or swelling.

  •  If you have had any numbing crèmes or local anaesthetic, please do not consume any hot or cold drinks until your sensation has returned to normal. You must also be careful when eating so that you do not risk biting your lip.

  • If you experience any lumpiness in the implantation area it can be gently massaged to help smooth this out.

  •  You should also avoid any facial massages or skin resurfacing until the area has healed fully.
