Medical Weight Loss


AB Clinical Weight Loss Treatments

At AB Clinical, we offer two Medically Supervised weight loss treatments that are licensed by the Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MRHA) for the treatment of Obesity in the UK. It's not just a 'Skinny Jab' or 'Skinny Pen. Contrary to common misconceptions, Wegovy & Mounjaro are prescription-only medications licensed for Obesity treatment administered via self injection. Our treatments are designed to provide safe and effective options for individuals seeking to manage their weight with professional supervision. Contact us today to learn more about how our licensed treatments can support your weight loss journey.

Mounjaro (Trizepatide)

  • Trizepatide for Weight Loss

    Trizepatide (aka Mounjaro) is a novel medication that has shown promising results in the field of weight management. This innovative drug works by targeting specific receptors in the brain that regulate appetite and metabolism, leading to reduced food intake and increased energy expenditure.

    In clinical trials, patients taking Trizepatide experienced significant weight loss compared to those on a placebo. The drug not only helped individuals shed excess pounds but also demonstrated improvements in insulin sensitivity and lipid profile.

    While Trizepatide offers a new avenue for tackling obesity, it is essential to consult our healthcare providers at AB Clinical before starting any weight loss medication. We can provide personalised guidance based on your medical history and help you navigate the potential benefits and risks associated with Trizepatide.

  • Mounjaro is licensed by the MRHA (Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) for the treatment of Obesity in the UK. This a prescription only medication that needs a medical practitioner to issue. AB Clinical, we can do that for you.

Wegovy (Semaglutide)

  • Semaglutide is a medication that has gained attention for its potential to aid in weight loss. Originally developed to help manage type 2 diabetes, studies have shown that semaglutide can also be beneficial for individuals looking to lose weight.

    Research has indicated that semaglutide may help individuals achieve significant weight loss when used in conjunction with diet and exercise. The medication works by mimicking the effects of a hormone that helps regulate appetite and food intake.

    It is essential to note that like any medication, semaglutide may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if semaglutide is the right option for weight loss.

    Overall, semaglutide shows promise as a tool to support weight loss efforts, but it is crucial to approach its use as part of a comprehensive weight management plan tailored to individual needs.

  • Wegovy is one of the few medications to be licensed by the MRHA (Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) for the treatment of Obesity in the UK. This a prescription only medication that needs a medical practitioner to issue as well as regular check-ups. AB Clinical, we can do that for you.