Filler Dissolving Service


Hyaluronidase Treatment:

Uneven/lumpy filler? Unsatisfied with a previous treatment? We can help put things right!

AB Clinical clinicians are happy to treat patients who have initially had dermal fillers injected at other salons or clinics by non-medical professional and medical professionals, we will always act in the best interest of the patient and protect your confidentiality.

Only medical professionals only in a controlled clinical environment can carry out this procedure as this is a prescription only medication to be administered by a medical professional who can manage any complications in a safe and controlled manner.

Post dissolve you will need to wait two weeks before dermal fillers can be re-introduced. We would be happy to discussion your options for re-filling during this dissolving treatment and make you another appointment for a couple of weeks time to carry the filler treatment. The price for re-silling is dependent on location and how much filler will be required.

There are several reasons you may wish to use our Filler Dissolving Service:

  • Unhappy with outcome from dermal filler procedure.

  • Tissue areas that are over filled.

  • Uneven filler or asymmetrical appearance to the face.

  • Migration of filler (Lips most common)

  • Tyndell effect, filler to close to the skin giving a blue/grey appearance to the skin.

  • Lumps of filler, most common in the lips.

  • Delayed reaction to dermal fillers that is not settling with simple antihistamines or steroids.

We use Hyaluronidase, which is an enzyme that has a temporary and reversible depolymerising effect on the polysaccharide hyaluronic acid (Natural) and injected hyaluronic avid (Dermal fillers) in the tissue. To make sure this is safe to use on you, we will perform a ‘patch test’ where a small amount of the enzyme will be injected into the mid dermal layer of the skin (usually in the forearm). We then wait 30 mins and if no local or systemic reaction is noted we are good to go. Local reactions are by far the most common, and according to clinical studies, occur at a rate of less than 1%. A history of allergic reaction to wasp or bee stings represents an increased risk of allergic reaction to hyaluronidase and should be considered as a relative contraindication, as the venom of stinging insects can contain hyaluronidase and this mechanism might be the source of reaction in affected individuals.

We cannot treat those with hypersensitivity to Hyaluronidase or taking the prescribed medication furosemide, benzodiazepines, phenytoin or dopamine.

Filler Dissolving Service - £175

Appointment will take round an hour to complete
